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COCONUT-SVSM Documentation

This is the main documentation site for the COCONUT Secure VM Service Module (SVSM): software which aims to provide secure services and device emulations to guest operating systems in confidential virtual machines (CVMs).

Getting started

Follow the building and installation guide starting with Installing the COCONUT-SVSM.

Source code

The COCONUT-SVSM source code can be found at the COCONUT-SVSM github repository.

Rustdoc documentation

The Rustdoc documentation can be found by clicking COCONUT-SVSM Rustdoc in the navigation menu on the left.

Development Plan

The development plan document lists planned and in-progress work items for the COCONUT-SVSM project as well as the first principles applied when making design decisions.


Development discussions happen on the project mailing list ( Regular development calls are scheduled via the mailing list.

Release Process

The process for making releases is documented in the Release Process document.